Monday, February 18, 2013

Family Day Workout

Happy Family Day!

Just because there is no class today, doesn't mean you have to abandon your workout!  

Instead spend some time being active with your family.  Head outdoors for a brisk walk in your neighbourhood, grab a sled and race down a snow covered hill, or perhaps slip on your skates and take a spin on a local rink.

It doesn't matter what you decide to do, just do something!  Not only will you benefit because you chose to move your body, but you will be making memories too.  What could be better than that?

For those of you that can't get out today and would prefer to workout at home, then check out FITMOM Ottawa's family day workout!

Have a great one!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Without breath, we are without life.

When was the last time you paid attention to your breathing? 

Start by taking a deep breath in front of a mirror.  What did you see?
If you noticed that your upper chest and shoulders moved, then like most people, you are considered a chest breather.  This means you are only using the the top of your lungs to breathe, resulting in less oxygen intake.  You may also experience constant tension or discomfort in your upper back and neck as the accessory respiration muscles are overworked (upper trapezius, sternoclidomastoid and Scalene muscles) and never have the chance to relax.  It also means that you are not using the most important muscle responsible for respiration: the diaphragm

In Yoga the act of controlled diaphragm breathing is called _Pranayama_
In Sanskrit Prana means 'life' or nourishment
Yama means 'control' or discipline
Ayama means 'expansion' or 'extension'
When you practice Pranayama breathing you are nourishing your mind, body and spirit; improving the function of your diaphragm; demonstrating control of your body and developing breath awareness.
Try the following exercise to help you connect with your breath:
Lay down on your back with your knees bent.
Place your hands on your upper chest and belly
Take a few cleansing breaths to focus your mind and then when you are ready, try to inhale into your abdomen first
then notice as you inhale how your ribs expand and chest may rise
As you exhale draw your bellybutton towards the floor
Inhale 4 counts and exhale 4 counts.
Repeat this cycle 4 or 5 times.
Once you have mastered belly breathing while lying down, try it on your  hands and knees.  Then progress to a comfortable cross-legged position (Sukhasana/easy pose). 

It may feel awkward or challenging to breathe this way at first, but the more you practice, the easier it will become. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Yoga for Strength

Yoga is a great activity to include into your regular fitness routine. A balanced yoga program includes dynamic flexibility training, core stabilization, strengthening and balance work. Yoga can also help you recover faster after workouts, open up the tight areas on your body, improve range of motion, and develop mental focus and concentration.

You can do the exercises below as a circuit and repeat 2-3 times, or as a gentle strength & stretch program.

Yoga For Strength:

Dead Lifts:

Stand on your right leg and have your left knee bent in front of you. Inhale into position and as you exhale bring your torso parallel to the floor as you bring your left leg straight back and your arms towards the floor. Repeat 10 times on each side. You can add dumbbells for extra resistance and to increase the stretch in your hamstrings.

Squat with Leg Swing:

Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Exhale into your squat and as you inhale stand and swing your right leg out to the right side. Repeat 10 times then switch sides.

Low Lunge:

From Downward Dog step your right foot forward between your hands, keeping the knee bent and above the ankle. Your left knee is on the mat. You can leave your hands on the mat, or bring them on your right knee or over your head. Hold for 5 breaths. Switch sides.

(Benefits: Stretches hip flexors and strengthens hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes)

Half Splits:

From low lunge with right foot forward, bring your hands and hips back as you straighten your right leg. Your right toes are up. Lengthen your spine and fold over your right leg. Hold for 5 Breaths. Repeat other side.

Downward Dog:

From table top, spread your fingers wide and palms flat. Curl your toes under and push your tailbone up to create an inverted "V". Your feet are hip width apart and your heels don't have to touch the mat. Press your chess back towards your thighs. Hold for 5 breaths.

(Benefits: Stretches shoulders, hamstrings, calves and strengthens arms and legs)

Three Legged Dog (my favourite!)

From Downward dog lift your right leg up as high as you can, intending to stack the right hip on top of the left. Bend your right knee and bring your toes towards the left. Keep your knee high. Intend the left heel down and lengthen your spine and arms. Hold for 3-5 breaths and then switch sides.

(Benefits: Opens the hips, stretches the back of your body and builds upper body strength)


From Downward Dog shift your shoulders forward until they are over your wrists. Press into your heels. Engage your core and create a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold for 5-10 breaths.  You can modify this by coming down onto your knees.

(Benefits: Builds upper body and core strength)

Standing Pigeon:

From standing, place your right ankle above your left knee. Press through your right heel and slowly bend the left leg. Bring your arms forward and parallel to the floor and bring your hips back. Hold for 5-10 breaths then switch.

(Benefits: opens hips and strengthens the standing leg)

Standing Yoga Mudra:

From mountain pose, interlace your fingers behind your back. Press your shoulder blades down and lift the chest. Inhale deeply, then exhale and fold forward from the hips. Bring your arms away from your back. Hold for 5 breaths.

(Benefits: stretches the legs, back and shoulders)

Spread the Love, Get some Love!

This February I want you to experience some FITMOM love! 
Earn a Free Class at the end of your next session when you
refer a friend to FITMOM Durham
and she registers for a 10 week session
Your names will also be put into a draw to each win a $25 gift card to Lululemon!!
Take advantage of this between February 4th-February 28th, 2013. 

The Draw will be made on March 1st, 2013.
*Not redeemable for cash. No cash value*

Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love